Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Being weird is a side effect of being awesome!

Reading biographies of great people have really led me to believe me that not only am I awesome but I'm a genius in the making :) On a serious note, all geniuses have some fabric of weirdism that runs through the pattern of their life. Enjoy reading the following threads......

Leonardo Da Vinci the renowned artist was noted for carrying his notepad around included things like jokes, fables, financial records--even theories on anatomy, flight, and botany.

Andy Warhol the 'pop art' maverick was a hoarder of stamps, souvenirs, photographs, and even food, in a cardboard box next to his desk. Many of these hoarded objects made their way into his time capsules.

Here's a fascinating glimpse into the surrealist art works of Salvador Dali ....he took micro naps that lasted about a couple of seconds, he'd hold a key in his hand and when he drifted off to sleep the key would slip and fall on a plate creating a loud *clink* waking him up from his 'micro nap'. This, apparently, according to him gave his creativity an instant boost. 

Beethoven was such a coffee fiend that he would spend a major part of his morning looking for 60 coffee beans to make his favourite cup of java . Apparently, the artist was so picky that he wouldn’t trust anyone to make his first cup of coffee exactly to his liking and continued to brew his cup of coffee with the choicest beans till his last breath.

A.R. Rahman is known to record music only at nights, compelling well known Bollywood bigwigs to burn their midnight oil in order to belt out chartbusting music

Doesn't this prove that we're all more than the patterns of our daily routines and maybe some of these elements of weirdisms embroider themselves in such a way which results in the splendor that is YOU! :)

The magic of books

The daily grind can often leave us wanting for a certain tranquility that only books can provide. When read, you speak to yourself and listen to the unspoken words! 

The written word of some of the authors beg to be read. I have my ever growing list of must- read....and what never fails to surprise me is that every time I re read a book it touches a totally new dimension of my emotions. If that's not magic, then I don’t know what is.

Eat, pray, love and read the next best seller *wink* *wink* by moi! Haha!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Are you in your element?

As far as I can tell, I’ve always had a book in my lap, my purse and these days in my laptop bag (probably the laptop and book arguing with each other daily on who’s better lol!). Well, there are some books that are to be internalized and their learnings to be shared with the people at large to put some humanity into humans (*wicked*)!
So here we go, the book that I live by and urge everyone to read it atleast once in their lifetime is

An elementary school teacher is giving a drawing class to six-year-olds. At the back of the room sits a girl who usually struggles to pay attention. Yet she’s totally absorbed during the art lesson. The teacher is fascinated and after 20 minutes asks the girl what she’s drawing.
“I’m drawing a picture of God,” says the girl without looking up from her masterpiece.
“But nobody knows what God looks like,” says the teacher.
“They will in a minute,” says the girl.
Author Ken Robinson loves telling this story because it reminds us just how confident kids are with their own imaginations. Ask a class of first graders who’s creative and Robinson says every hand will go up. Ask a class of college students and you’ll get far fewer hands. Ask around at work and you’ll be lucky to get a single hand.
He’s peppered the book with numerous life stories that are not only inspiring but completely transforming – if it’s not transformed my life, it sure has transformed my perspective about being in my element!
Here’s an interesting story – my 10 year old niece walked in while watching his ‘TED Video – do schools kill creativity’.  She reads the title and says “yes, that is true” then walks out. She starts 5th grade next week :)
This one is a keeper! Stock up!
See you soon with another of my favorite books! Do comment and share favorite book!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Scion of Ikshvaku

I'd pre ordered Scion of Ikshvaku book and was really apprehensive on how Amish would retell the story of Ramanyana. I was pleasantly surprised as this was clearly not what his storyline is all about.

The narrative is a fast, twisting and character forming fiction of Prince Ram.

Highly recommended!

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